CIE A Level Topical Past Paper 2
11.6 Globalisation
Some high-income countries have introduced a policy of high tariffs on some imports to reduce the negative effects of globalisation on their economies.
With the help of a diagram, evaluate this policy. [20]
In recent years many countries have joined or established a free trade area (FTA).
Evaluate, with the help of a diagram(s), whether membership of an FTA is always beneficial to a country. [20]
Evaluate the likely impact of globalisation on a low-income country’s standard of living. [20]
Globalisation will help to achieve economic growth in high-income economies and this will automatically improve living standards.
Evaluate this statement. [20]
The presence of multinational corporations (MNCs) in a low-income country always promotes economic growth in that country.
Evaluate this statement. [20]
To what extent do you agree with the view that globalisation benefits high-income countries at the expense of low-income countries? [20]
Assess the impact of globalisation on the standard of living in low-income countries. [20]